Press Releases

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
Category: Blog/News
September, 2015

Dad reckons fencing in the Midwest has become a lost art. “Baling wire, panels, and […]

College “Cowgirl” Joins CAST Staff
Category: Blog/News
September, 2015

For most teenagers, winter break time means closing textbooks, sleeping in, and tuning out. For […]

A Fish Tale–Worms, Poles, and Drones
Category: Blog/News
September, 2015

When I fished the creeks as a farm kid, we used bamboo poles, barbed hooks, […]

WOTUS, Water, and a Dam Good Time
Category: Blog/News
August, 2015

Water is no longer a steady drip-drip in the headlines; it has become a surging […]

State Fair Food, Politicians, Dung Fun, and Mutton Bustin’
Category: Blog/News
August, 2015

State Fair season has started, and partisans can argue about which one is best. From […]

Cattle Feeders in the “Good Old Days”
Category: Blog/News
August, 2015

Nowadays when I drive the country roads of central Iowa, I see a changing landscape. […]

Bears, Fires, and Beauty–the Lure of the American West
Category: Blog/News
August, 2015

The first time my wife and I made a road trip across the western half […]

Tea Sommeliers, Pig Bladders, and Cinnamon Rolls
Category: Blog/News
July, 2015

Looks as if I missed yet another calling—tea sommelier. As this article points out, experts […]

Drones Down on the Farm–A Matter of Perspective
Category: Blog/News
July, 2015

Update July 2016: The Slurpee Has Landed With the drop of chicken, coffee, and a […]

College Study Abroad–Generalities and Specifics
Category: Blog/News
June, 2015

Millennials study abroad in higher numbers than any previous generation, and even though warts might […]

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