Press Releases

2013 Borlaug CAST Communication Award
Category: Blog/News
May, 2013

On Thursday, May 9, at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., CAST President Phillip Stahlman […]

Lawn Mowing Zen, Ray Bradbury, and Pink Grass
Category: Blog/News
May, 2013

Update–August 31, 2015: Brown Is the New Green? The hashtag #droughtshaming exists mainly to publicly […]

Talking Turkey: Food Safety, Antibiotics, and Proselytizing
Category: Blog/News
May, 2013

September 2013 Update:  This YouTube clip demonstrates what I describe below about talking to turkeys. […]

Farm Liability Laws—Skatin’ on Thin Ice
Category: Blog/News
April, 2013

As this video report shows, farmers might be forced to end some tour groups and […]

When the Dam Bursts (Earth Day—April 22, 2013)
Category: Blog/News
April, 2013

April 22 Earth Day UPDATE: A list of 13 ways to support food production and […]

Doc Callahan on Guns, Farms, and Bugs Bunny
Category: Blog/News
April, 2013

Note: Doc Callahan, retired professor, part-time farmer, and full-time pontificator, occasionally adds his advice column […]

Planting Time—New Tech and Old Practices
Category: Blog/News
April, 2013

You’d need a “way back machine” to find horses planting nowadays (see below). High tech […]

If Video Killed the Radio Star, Smartphones Put My Transistor on Life Support
Category: Blog/News
March, 2013

World Radio Day Feb. 13, 2015 Update: Check out this article about the hassles of […]

Nutrients—from Fertilizer to Honey Wagons
Category: Blog/News
March, 2013

Update Feb. 2014:  This article points out that manure can be a gold mine for […]

Digital Clouds and the Good Earth
Category: Blog/News
March, 2013

***  Update, March 15: some worthwhile ag/tech links. Top 5 Trends in Ag Technology; SXSW […]

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