Press Releases

Guest Blog–American ag can emerge stronger after COVID-19
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

Jeff Simmons, 2013 BCCA winner, of Elanco discusses how the agriculture industry can emerge post-pandemic. […]

Busy Week for BCCA Winner
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

The presentation for the 2020 Borlaug CAST Communication Award (BCCA) was held on October 13. […]

Catching Up with Kevin Folta
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2016 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Dr. Kevin […]

Catching Up with Frank Mitloehner
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2019 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner, Dr. Frank […]

Catching Up with Jayson Lusk
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2017 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Dr. Jayson […]

Guest Blog–Dis/Mis-Information: Difficult to Detect, but Impossible to Ignore
Category: Blog/News
October, 2020

The article below was written by Dr. Cami Ryan (Social Sciences Lead, Regulatory Scientific Affairs, […]

Catching Up with Channapatna Prakash
Category: Blog/News
September, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2015 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Dr. Channa […]

Catching Up with Catherine Bertini
Category: Blog/News
September, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2011 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Catherine Bertini is […]

Catching Up with Carl Winter
Category: Blog/News
September, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2012 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner, Dr. Carl […]

Derecho Winds and Harvest Options
Category: Blog/News
September, 2020

My 93-year-old parents still live on the family farm, and it’s safe to say they […]

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