Brown, Corrie

Impact of Recruitment and Retention of Food Animal Veterinarians on the U.S. Food Supply
Category: Brown, Corrie
April, 2020

Why is it so difficult to recruit and retain food animal veterinarians in the United States? And how might this impact the future food supply?

Global Risks of Infectious Animal Diseases
Category: Brown, Corrie
February, 2005

Animal diseases impact food supplies, trade and commerce, and human health worldwide. Some outbreaks have had severe consequences on the economies and social well-being of the population in affected countries.

El Riesgo Global de las Enfermedades Animales Infecciosas
Category: Brown, Corrie
February, 2005

Los brotes recientes de encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (enfermedad de la vaca loca), el virus del oeste del Nilo, la fiebre aftosa en porcinos y la fiebre aviar, encabezaron los titulares, inquietando no sólo por el significativo costo económico, sino también por la posibilidad de contagiar a los seres humanos.