Cliver, Dean O.

Fate and Transport of Pathogens in Swine Manure
Category: Cliver, Dean O.
December, 2008

This publication, “Fate and Transport of Zoonotic Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Pathogens During Swine Manure Treatment, Storage, and Land Application,” is a collaborative effort of CAST and the National Pork Board to provide a literature review on topics directly related to swine manure management systems, bacterial hazards associated with swine manure, common swine viruses, and the fate and transport of zoonotic parasite pathogens.

Foodborne Pathogens: Review of Recommendations
Category: Cliver, Dean O.
October, 1998

Scientists offer 18 recommendations as a platform to focus and stimulate efforts toward food safety improvements.

Foodborne Pathogens: Risks and Consequences
Category: Cliver, Dean O.
September, 1994

Better data on microbial risks are needed to make the U.S. food supply safer. Cochairs: Peggy M. Foegeding, Department of Food Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, and Tanya Roberts, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.