Felsot, Allan S.

Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations
Category: Felsot, Allan S.
June, 2013

This paper looks at the history and purpose of the precautionary principle (PP) and examines problems of ambiguity, arbitrary application, and bias against new technologies. Because the publication (IP 52) is especially focused on the need to feed a growing population, the case studies center on agricultural issues such as pesticide use, genetically modified foods, and food irradiation.

Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production
Category: Felsot, Allan S.
June, 2009

This new CAST Special Publication (SP 30), “Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production: Conventional, Transgenic, and Organic Production Systems,” documents the ecological and economic implications of the various systems used in U.S. soybean production. Soybean production has changed in the United States since its first introduction in the mid-1880s. Initially, the crop was produced mainly for forage and received only minimal inputs

Gene Flow in Alfalfa: Biology, Mitigation, and Potential Impact on Production
Category: Felsot, Allan S.
October, 2008

This Special Publication describes the biology and agronomic practices in alfalfa that should be considered in developing coexistence strategies to allow growers to have choices, specifically between genetically engineered (GE), conventional, and GE-sensitive markets in the United States.