Getsinger, Kurt D.

Benefits of Controlling Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Algae in the United States
Category: Getsinger, Kurt D.
July, 2014

Aquatic plants are often dealt with on a local scale, when in reality they impact wide areas outside of the traditional lake or river habitat. They can affect aesthetics, drainage, fishing, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, flood control, human and animal health, hydropower generation, irrigation, navigation, recreation, and, ultimately, land values.

Invasive Plant Species
Category: Getsinger, Kurt D.
February, 2000

Findings are presented on the growing danger to national forests, recreational, and agricultural lands from noxious weed infestations. These infestations are causing costly and irreparable damage to wetlands, wildlife habitat, wildlands, rangelands, and aquatic and riparian areas on public and private lands all across the United States, especially in popular western recreation states.