Gianessi, Leonard P.

The Contributions of Pesticides to Pest Management in Meeting the Global Need for Food Production by 2050
Category: Gianessi, Leonard P.
November, 2014

Crop protection is critical to the growth of healthy plants, the enhancement of the environment, and the production of healthy foods. Recognition of the critical role of crop protection in food production has been ignored and derided by some sectors.

Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production
Category: Gianessi, Leonard P.
June, 2009

This new CAST Special Publication (SP 30), “Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production: Conventional, Transgenic, and Organic Production Systems,” documents the ecological and economic implications of the various systems used in U.S. soybean production. Soybean production has changed in the United States since its first introduction in the mid-1880s. Initially, the crop was produced mainly for forage and received only minimal inputs

Alternative Agriculture: Scientists’ Review
Category: Gianessi, Leonard P.
July, 1990

Reviews by 44 leading scientists support and criticize the 1989 National Research Council report, Alternative Agriculture. The authors represent the disciplines of agricultural engineering, food science, toxicology, animal sciences, crop and soil sciences, economics sociology, weed science, entomology, and plant pathology.