Redick, Thomas P.

El etiquetado de los alimentos: Comportamiento del consumidor, el sector agrícola y políticas que se recomiendan
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
June, 2016

A los niños se les enseña la frase “eres lo que comes” y esta frase se repite posteriormente a lo largo de la vida. Este dicho habla de la íntima conexión entre lo que el individuo decide comer y su salud—y hasta su identidad. Dada la actual cadena de suministro alimentaria, predominantemente global, los consumidores no pueden observar los procesos de producción de los alimentos que consumen.

Process Labeling of Food: Consumer Behavior, the Agricultural Sector, and Policy Recommendations
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
October, 2015

We live in a world of labels, and even though information is crucial, some labeling leads to confusion, negative views, and misunderstanding. In the supermarket, consumers might misinterpret “facts” or develop disparaging images.

The Potential Impacts of Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Engineered Food in the United States
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
April, 2014

Although genetically engineered (GE) products are used around the world, the issue becomes contentious when they are present in our food.

Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
June, 2013

This paper looks at the history and purpose of the precautionary principle (PP) and examines problems of ambiguity, arbitrary application, and bias against new technologies. Because the publication (IP 52) is especially focused on the need to feed a growing population, the case studies center on agricultural issues such as pesticide use, genetically modified foods, and food irradiation.

Presencia Adventicia: Mezcla Inadvertida y Coexistencia entre Metodos de Cultivo
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
July, 2005

La presencia adventicia se refiere a la mezcla no intencional de cantidades mínimas de un tipo de semilla o producto, con otro. Aunque este proceso puede ocurrir con los cultivos obtenidos en forma tradicional, la presencia adventicia normalmente contempla las semillas y productos de ingeniería genética en un material que no la ha experimentado.

Adventitious Presence: Inadvertent Commingling and Coexistence among Farming Methods
Category: Redick, Thomas P.
July, 2005

Adventitious presence refers to the unintended commingling of trace amounts of one type of seed, or product, with another. Although this process can occur with conventionally bred crops, adventitious presence is more commonly regarded as the presence of genetically engineered (GE) seed and product in non-GE material.