Sutton, Alan L.

Air Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A North American Perspective
Category: Sutton, Alan L.
May, 2011

The purpose of this CAST Issue Paper (IP 47) is to go beyond the generalizations and accusations often associated with the air quality topic. Experts from six universities examine a large amount of data and focus their information and conclusions around the key livestock areas: swine, poultry, dairy, and beef. Their critical analyses look at a wide scope of issues, from greenhouse gas emissions to the logistics of manure storage facilities.

Animal Diet Modification to Decrease the Potential for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution
Category: Sutton, Alan L.
July, 2002

This issue paper outlines the technologies and approaches that poultry and livestock producers can use to decrease the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the environment. This study focuses on two nutrients and addresses two environmental concerns: volatilization and manure nutrient distribution.

Integrated Animal Waste Management
Category: Sutton, Alan L.
November, 1996

  A broad spectrum of integrated manure management systems are available to collect, transfer, store, […]

Water Quality: Agriculture’s Role
Category: Sutton, Alan L.
December, 1992

This report discusses modern agriculture’s impacts on the environment, especially surface and groundwater. This report increases the understanding of the science, risks, benefits, and realities of agricultural production and water quality protection.