Press Releases

How COVID-19 Impacted Food and Agricultural Markets
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

COVID-19 disrupted nations around the world in 2020. People have had to alter their typical […]

Cancelled State and County Fairs
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

As state fair time draws closer, more states (and counties) are cancelling their fairs due […]

Alexa Lamm Enjoys Seeing People Work Together
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

Dr. Alexa Lamm was thrilled to be nominated for the Borlaug CAST Communication Award. When […]

Hayley Palensky at CAST
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

New Intern Ready to Learn and Contribute Hayley Palensky recently joined CAST as a summer […]

Dr. Anna Dilger Q&A
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

Get to know CAST’s incoming President-Elect, Dr. Anna Dilger! Dr. Dilger is an associate professor […]

From Ames to Argentina, Caryn Dawson Sets Her Goals on Agriculture and Science
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

During the past two years, Caryn Dawson has worn various hats—as an Iowa State University […]

CAST Welcomes Dylana to the Staff
Category: Blog/News
May, 2020

Farm Girl Brings Her Love of Horses, Cattle, and Communications Dylana thought she would walk […]

Successful Stewardship
Category: Blog/News
May, 2020

Collaboration and long-term commitments are keys **Note: this is an expanded version of an article […]

BCCA Event Features Science and Communication
Category: Blog/News
May, 2020

Alexa Lamm Wins Award—Frank Mitloehner Delivers Keynote Address The annual announcement of the Borlaug CAST […]

Links in the Meat Supply Chain
Category: Blog/News
May, 2020

Farmers, ranchers, food workers, company employees, and government officials are trying to keep the food […]

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