Task Force Index

Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations
Category: Task Force Index
June, 2013

This paper looks at the history and purpose of the precautionary principle (PP) and examines problems of ambiguity, arbitrary application, and bias against new technologies. Because the publication (IP 52) is especially focused on the need to feed a growing population, the case studies center on agricultural issues such as pesticide use, genetically modified foods, and food irradiation.

Herbicide-resistant Weeds Threaten Soil Conservation Gains: Finding a Balance for Soil and Farm Sustainability
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2013

Herbicides were developed during the twentieth century to be used with conventional tillage for weed control. Conservation (or minimum) tillage subsequently evolved, which enabled less soil damage when used with herbicides.

Food, Fuel, and Plant Nutrient Use in the Future
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2013

Future food, fiber, and fuel demands will not be met by expanding cropland area; continued advances in nutrient use efficiency will moderate increased nutrient demand. With a growing population, dwindling arable land, and an increased demand for biofuels, the world cannot count on an expansion of harvested area to fill the demands of the world’s growing population.

Las malezas resistentes al herbicida son una amenaza para los avances logrados en la conservación del suelo: Cómo encontrar un equilibrio para la sustentabilidad del suelo y los predios agrícolas
Category: Task Force Index
February, 2013

Los herbicidas se desarrollaron durante el siglo XX para su uso con la labranza convencional con el fin de controlar malezas. Posteriormente, evolucionó la labranza de conservación (mínima), que permitió menor daño al suelo cuando se utilizaba con herbicidas.

La Relación Directa entre la Salud Animal y los Resultados de Inocuidad Alimentaria
Category: Task Force Index
September, 2012

La salud de los animales dentro del sistema de producción de alimentos repercute en muchos aspectos del sistema muy alejados de los propios animales. Para promover una alta productividad en la agricultura animal, los investigadores deben examinar la nutrición, los sistemas de gestión y las prácticas del cuidado de los animales, incluyendo el uso de antibióticos y vacunas.

Water and Land Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A U.S. Perspective
Category: Task Force Index
August, 2012

This paper (IP 50) addresses specific water and land concerns related to animal agriculture. The authors consider issues of water use and water quality associated with the livestock sector and the related environmental and economic impacts.

The Direct Relationship between Animal Health and Food Safety Outcomes
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2012

The health of the animals within the food animal production system impacts many aspects of the system far removed from the animals themselves. To promote high productivity in animal agriculture, researchers need to examine nutrition, management systems, and animal care practices including the use of antibiotics and vaccines.

Assessing the Health of Streams in Agricultural Landscapes: The Impacts of Land Management Change on Water Quality
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2012

The Clean Water Act of 1987 states that the elimination of pollutant discharge into navigable water is a national goal. Agriculture has been identified repeatedly as a significant contributor of nonpoint source pollution to surface waters. Despite conservation efforts, water quality problems still exist; all agricultural states struggle with balancing productive landscapes and water quality.

Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production
Category: Task Force Index
January, 2012

Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production (IP 48) speaks to energy issues […]

Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2011

The need to decrease concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Earth’s atmosphere has been identified as one of the most pressing modern-day environmental issues. Agriculture, in addition to being affected by the climate, contributes to climate change through its exchanges of GHGs with the atmosphere.