CAST Commentaries

Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: III. Considerations in Biodiesel Production
Category: CAST Commentaries
October, 2008

Concern about rising prices and unstable sources of petroleum fuels is driving the search for U.S. domestically produced, renewable transportation fuels, such as biodiesel, which is developing into a widely accepted alternative fuel.

Pasteurellosis Transmission Risks between Domestic and Wild Sheep
Category: CAST Commentaries
August, 2008

Native North American wild sheep species are very susceptible to pneumonia and particularly to pasteurellosis. Although the current understanding about pasteurellosis in wild and domestic sheep is incomplete, respiratory disease clearly is a serious problem in both.

Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: II. Producing Cellulosic Biomass for Biofuels
Category: CAST Commentaries
November, 2007

This new Commentary provides a scientific assessment of the production potential and regional impacts of large-scale cellulosic ethanol production. It discusses the need for national investments and policy changes to address challenges limiting the production and efficient use of cellulosic biomass as a fuel feedstock to meet U.S. needs.

Biofuel Feedstocks: The Risk of Future Invasions
Category: CAST Commentaries
November, 2007

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand domestic energy production, and maintain economic growth, public and private investments are being used to pursue dedicated feedstock crops for biofuel production.

Avian Influenza Vaccination: A Commentary Focusing on H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza
Category: CAST Commentaries
October, 2007

The correct use of efficacious poultry vaccines is a critical component of overall control and eradication of avian influenza. Speculation about potential problems of vaccine use must be balanced with the real problem of outbreaks in susceptible poultry.

Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: I. Implications for Research and Policy
Category: CAST Commentaries
November, 2006

Recent dramatic increases in energy costs are having a direct bearing on all agricultural activities within the United States. This Commentary discusses the use of energy in agriculture and the food industry in light of current federal and state policies.

Avian Influenza: Trade Issues
Category: CAST Commentaries
April, 2006

Although much of the concern about a possible pandemic outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza revolves around human health outcomes, the potential repercussions on trade issues will also be significant.

Avian Influenza: Human Pandemic Concerns
Category: CAST Commentaries
January, 2006

The reported number of bird deaths and subsequent human deaths resulting from exposure to influenza A-infected birds has increased steadily, making front-page news worldwide. Although human viruses do not generally infect birds and bird viruses do not generally infect humans, certain influenza A viruses have historically exhibited an unusual ability to mutate and infect more than one host species.

Crop Biotechnology and the Future of Food: A Scientific Assessment
Category: CAST Commentaries
October, 2005

This CAST Commentary provides an up-to-date evaluation of the use of biotechnology in crop production. The concise, fact-based document addresses the science behind the issues. Chair: Bruce Chassy, University of Illinois, Urbana. QTA2005-2, 6 pp., October 2005.

La Biotecnologia de los Cultivos y el Futuro de los Alimentos: Una Contribucion Cientifica
Category: CAST Commentaries
October, 2005

Las variedades transgénicas de cultivos han sido consumidas por hombres y animales en muchos países, por lo que se dispone de una gran cantidad de datos y observaciones con el fin de juzgar su seguridad y utilidad.