Task Force Index

Mycotoxins: Risks in Plant, Animal, and Human Systems
Category: Task Force Index
January, 2003

This extensive report compiles the most current, complete information available on mycotoxins in order to provide an understanding of their associated risks and impacts on plant, animal, and human systems.

Environmental Impacts of Livestock on U.S. Grazing Lands
Category: Task Force Index
January, 2003

This issue paper takes a critical look at the environmental impacts of grazing systems and provides guidance on land management tools. Key issues of concern include alteration of wildlife habitat and degradation of soil and water quality.

Animal Diet Modification to Decrease the Potential for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution
Category: Task Force Index
July, 2002

This issue paper outlines the technologies and approaches that poultry and livestock producers can use to decrease the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the environment. This study focuses on two nutrients and addresses two environmental concerns: volatilization and manure nutrient distribution.

Urban and Agricultural Communities: Opportunities for Common Ground
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2002

The changing role of agriculture in urban settings is considered in this comprehensive report written by a twelve-member task force. The report frames “urban agriculture” in both historical and contemporary American society, providing a picture of geographic, demographic, and economic changes in rural and metropolitan life.

Invasive Pest Species: Impacts on Agricultural Production, Natural Resources, and the Environment
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2002

This CAST issue paper provides policymakers and others with a nine-step guide to curtail the impact of non-native pests, including diseases, insects, and animals. These pests are the source of an estimated $137 billion annual economic burden to the United States and are the second leading cause of species endangerment. In addition, bioterrorism introduces another unknown risk factor into the already unstable mix of detrimental exotic species.

Evaluation of the U.S. Regulatory Process for Crops Developed through Biotechnology
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2001

A group of nine science and policy experts prepared this evaluation of the process by which U.S. regulatory agencies determine the safety of biotechnology-derived crops. The authors found that the U.S. regulatory process is comprehensive and meets its charge of ensuring that biotechnology-derived foods are at least as safe as foods derived using traditional breeding techniques.

Professional Portfolio: Beyond the Curriculum Vitae
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2001

Individuals in the agricultural professions make valuable contributions to society, but the American public sometimes questions the relevance of those contributions and the impact of agriculture on the environment, human health, and the economy. This CAST issue paper was written to help agricultural professionals communicate clearly what they do and why it is important.

Johne’s Disease in Cattle
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2001

Johne’s disease is primarily an intestinal infection of ruminants. Largely ignored by the livestock industry in the past, Johne’s disease has gained importance among producers because of the economic losses they incur from herd infections and the potential human health hazards associated with the causative agent Mycobacterium paratuberculosis.

Vertical Coordination of Agriculture in Farming-Dependent Areas
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2001

This CAST report provides policymakers, community leaders, and farmers with a guide to help weigh the advantages and disadvantages of contract farming and other forms of vertical coordination in agriculture.

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in the United States
Category: Task Force Index
September, 2000

This report from CAST characterizes the overall U.S. risk for the occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly called “mad cow” disease, as extremely low.