Task Force Index

Herbicide-Resistant Crops
Category: Task Force Index
May, 1991

This report indicates that biotechnology-induced herbicide resistance in crops will allow use of herbicides that are toxicologically and environmentally less suspect that those herbicides now used in some crops.

Ecological Impacts of Federal Conservation and Cropland Reduction Programs
Category: Task Force Index
September, 1990

Addresses the ecological implications of several programs established in the 1985 Food Security Act, including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Sodbuster, Swampbuster, Conservation Compliance, and Acreage Reduction Program (ARP).

Alternative Agriculture: Scientists’ Review
Category: Task Force Index
July, 1990

Reviews by 44 leading scientists support and criticize the 1989 National Research Council report, Alternative Agriculture. The authors represent the disciplines of agricultural engineering, food science, toxicology, animal sciences, crop and soil sciences, economics sociology, weed science, entomology, and plant pathology.

Mycotoxins: Economic and Health Risks
Category: Task Force Index
December, 1989

This report stresses the importance of the economic and health risks of naturally occurring fungal toxins known as mycotoxins. These diverse toxins potentially occur in foods and feeds and can cause a wide range of injury when consumed by humans and animals.

Long-Term Viability of U.S. Agriculture
Category: Task Force Index
June, 1988

What is the future of American agriculture? This report examines the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of the agricultural sector.

Effective Use of Water in Irrigated Agriculture
Category: Task Force Index
June, 1988

This report provides a comprehensive description of irrigation in the U.S. and basic principles of irrigation management, addressing many significant problems with the use of water in irrigated agriculture.

Agricultural Science and the Public
Category: Task Force Index
January, 1972

Dr. Borlaug was a lifelong promoter and advocate for the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), beginning at its founding in 1972. He was the featured speaker at the CAST–Industry Conference, held in January 1973, at which CAST was introduced to the agribusiness community.