Task Force Index

The Science and Regulation of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals
Category: Task Force Index
June, 2011

Humans and animals have been consuming genetically engineered (GE) food from plants for decades, but the recent approval of GE salmon intended as human food has resulted in debate and some controversy. Many still have concerns about the environmental impact and food safety issues of such an approval.

Air Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A North American Perspective
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2011

The purpose of this CAST Issue Paper (IP 47) is to go beyond the generalizations and accusations often associated with the air quality topic. Experts from six universities examine a large amount of data and focus their information and conclusions around the key livestock areas: swine, poultry, dairy, and beef. Their critical analyses look at a wide scope of issues, from greenhouse gas emissions to the logistics of manure storage facilities.

Investing in a Better Future through Public Agricultural Research
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2011

Everyone is concerned with return on investment, and agricultural research continues to be an example of the positive impact well-placed funding can have. Agriculture is a key to the nation’s economy, and research not only boosts that industry, it also promotes solutions for many of the country’s pressing problems in the areas of health, energy, environment, rural development, trade, and food safety.

Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: IV. Infrastructure Considerations for Biomass Harvest, Transportation, and Storage
Category: Task Force Index
September, 2010

A panel of experts has outlined key issues regarding biomass crops by examining the harvest, transportation, and storage of cellulosic material. Task Force Chair Jerry Fruin indicates that successful biomass feedstock production depends on the smooth blending of successful approaches to these three logistical necessities.

Ethical Implications of Animal Biotechnology: Considerations for Animal Welfare Decision Making
Category: Task Force Index
August, 2010

Part 9, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.” Animal biotechnology, which includes both genetic engineering and mammalian cloning, has expanded rapidly in recent decades. These technologies already have been applied in biomedical research and now are nearing application within the food system.

Agricultural Productivity Strategies for the Future: Addressing U.S. and Global Challenges
Category: Task Force Index
January, 2010

This timely Issue Paper (IP 45) includes a preface from Dr. Norman E. Borlaug and has been prepared as an update of CAST Paper No. 1, written by Dr. Borlaug in 1973. The authors of the current paper address (1) future demands facing agriculture; (2) the relationship of bioenergy and bioproducts to agriculture; (3) major issues impacting future U.S. agricultural productivity; (4) major issues facing agricultural productivity in other parts of the world; (5) strategies to meet future food needs; and (6) examples of research areas that could enable the next “Green Revolution.”

Water, People, and the Future: Water Availability for Agriculture in the United States
Category: Task Force Index
November, 2009

Despite current uncertainty about the United States’ economic future, most reports suggest that growth will resume and competition for freshwater will continue.As one of the largest users of water in the United States, agriculture will be impacted significantly by changes in water availability and cost.

The Endangered Species Act: Interfacing with Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2009

This Commentary explores the interaction between the regulatory policy of the Endangered Species Act, public perception, and science in relation to the interpretation of risk to endangered species from various “stressors” associated with agricultural practices.

Animal Productivity and Genetic Diversity: Cloned and Transgenic Animals
Category: Task Force Index
August, 2009

PART 8, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.” This new paper, “Animal Productivity and Genetic Diversity: Cloned and Transgenic Animals,” discusses two of the most recent reproductive technologies used to improve agronomic traits in livestock. One main limitation to the further development and use of these technologies has been the lack of public acceptance.

Food Safety and Fresh Produce: An Update
Category: Task Force Index
July, 2009

Fresh produce safety continues to be of paramount importance. While the fresh produce industry is striving to improve its food safety record, consumers must continue to be aware of practices in the home which raise the risk of foodborne infection from their fresh produce.