Task Force Index

Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production
Category: Task Force Index
June, 2009

This new CAST Special Publication (SP 30), “Sustainability of U.S. Soybean Production: Conventional, Transgenic, and Organic Production Systems,” documents the ecological and economic implications of the various systems used in U.S. soybean production. Soybean production has changed in the United States since its first introduction in the mid-1880s. Initially, the crop was produced mainly for forage and received only minimal inputs

Scientific Assessment of the Welfare of Dry Sows Kept in Individual Accommodations
Category: Task Force Index
March, 2009

The use of individual gestation accommodations (IGAs) for dry sows in commercial pork production is an issue that has raised much debate. Public perceptions and misconceptions of welfare issues have the potential to dramatically impact swine production.

Ruminant Carcass Disposal Options for Routine and Catastrophic Mortality
Category: Task Force Index
January, 2009

When producers decide which carcass disposal method to use, they must consider the number of mortalities, the cause of death and whether infectious agents are involved, environmental implications, regulatory requirements, operational costs, and efficiency.

Fate and Transport of Pathogens in Swine Manure
Category: Task Force Index
December, 2008

This publication, “Fate and Transport of Zoonotic Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Pathogens During Swine Manure Treatment, Storage, and Land Application,” is a collaborative effort of CAST and the National Pork Board to provide a literature review on topics directly related to swine manure management systems, bacterial hazards associated with swine manure, common swine viruses, and the fate and transport of zoonotic parasite pathogens.

Gene Flow in Alfalfa: Biology, Mitigation, and Potential Impact on Production
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2008

This Special Publication describes the biology and agronomic practices in alfalfa that should be considered in developing coexistence strategies to allow growers to have choices, specifically between genetically engineered (GE), conventional, and GE-sensitive markets in the United States.

Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: III. Considerations in Biodiesel Production
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2008

Concern about rising prices and unstable sources of petroleum fuels is driving the search for U.S. domestically produced, renewable transportation fuels, such as biodiesel, which is developing into a widely accepted alternative fuel.

Poultry Carcass Disposal Options for Routine and Catastrophic Mortality
Category: Task Force Index
October, 2008

Methods for the disposal of poultry carcasses currently include burial, incineration, composting, and rendering. Although each method is preferable under specific circumstances, each also presents disadvantages, including potential effects on groundwater and increasing cost considerations.

Pasteurellosis Transmission Risks between Domestic and Wild Sheep
Category: Task Force Index
August, 2008

Native North American wild sheep species are very susceptible to pneumonia and particularly to pasteurellosis. Although the current understanding about pasteurellosis in wild and domestic sheep is incomplete, respiratory disease clearly is a serious problem in both.

Swine Carcass Disposal Options for Routine and Catastrophic Mortality
Category: Task Force Index
July, 2008

This Issue Paper provides a critical assessment of information available on methods of swine carcass […]

Vaccine Development Using Recombinant DNA Technology
Category: Task Force Index
May, 2008

PART 7, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.” Infectious animal diseases continue to rank foremost among the significant factors limiting efficient production in animal agriculture. In addition, infectious agents that are transmitted from animals to humans by way of food and water present an increasing threat to the safety and security of the world food supply and continue to affect human health significantly.